Today the congress of the United States of America met in joint session to certify the results of the 2024 presidential election. This was accomplished without incident and is a routine occurrence after a presidential election. There was nothing extraordinary about it.
This went off without a hitch because the losing candidate, the current Vice President, acknowledged and accepted the results of the election. She did her sworn duty, as all vice presidents have previously done.
There is nothing notable about the event but it contrasts sharply with the same event exactly 4 years ago today. Then, the loser of the election, the then President, refused to accept the results and encouraged his followers to protest the outcome of the election. Many of them then violently broke into the capitol and proceeded to disrupt the proceedings. Several of them threatened the individual members of Congress, destroyed public property and injured, and even killed some of the police personnel who were there. Thankfully, the Congress was eventually able to reconvene and the then Vice-President did carry out his sworn duty and the election was duly certified.
The losing candidate continued did nothing, for several hours to stop his supporters and stop the violence. For the next 3 weeks (and beyond), he continued to not accept reality and insisted that he had, indeed won the election, but it was rigged. Later, when the new President was inaugurated, he refused to attend the ceremony as other presidents had.
What I have just stated is factual. This is reality. If you disagree with these facts, then I ask you to do us both a favor. Please unfriend me and have no further contact with me. I don’t hate you, but I have no desire to waste your time or my time. If you disagree what I’ve said, there can no good outcome of our further contact with one another.
Thank you for reading this. I wish you all well.